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The Noble Woman Project is a grassroots based relief and development program, which was founded in the spring of 2002. The project’s mission grew out of the ministry of FreshStart Resources, which is an independent, non-denominational Christian ministry founded in 1990 to help individuals and families cope with spiritual, physical, and emotional crises.

After counseling and working with hundreds of women through FreshStart Resources, K.L. Stewart, Founder and Executive Director of FreshStart discovered that there was an ever growing population of women and children being caught in the throes of poverty due to the continued breakdown of family and moral values. As a result of this breakdown in the family unit and in nearly every country throughout the world, we have found that it is the women and children in particular who are often left with a lack of life and marketplace skills. Consequently, these women often have insufficient resources to provide for themselves and raise their families in thriving, healthy environments. It was based on these realities that the NWP mission began in April of 2002.

During the past five years, the project has evolved into two distinct programs that provide relief and development, which specifically targets women’s life and marketplace skill needs. The first program is NWP-US, which is a domestic training program carried out inside the U.S., and the second is NWP-ITL, an international grassroots initiative carried out in other parts of the world. While both programs are geared towards the same overall mission objectives, each is developed according to the specific needs of the woman and the community she works and resides in. To accomplish the objective of making long term relief a reality, NWP often works in a multilateral capacity with local community and religious leaders, government officials, and the women themselves.

We firmly believe that the ongoing success of these programs is critical for today’s global community. Not only do they work to help rebuild women within the family unit, they also help develop responsible and productive citizens who are able to gain better resources and in turn increase their bandwidth and capacity to contribute back to their local community. Since 2002, the NWP has continued to see a rise in demand for these projects and the funding therein. With help from our donors and other partners throughout the local and global community, we have been able to help hundreds of women develop more viable ways to sustain themselves on a long term basis and provide for their family in a way that maintains their honor and dignity.

The Noble Woman Project is administrated by the staff and Board of Directors of FreshStart Resources. FreshStart Resources is a non-profit 501 (C) Religious Organization that is non-denominational.

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Come celebrate an evening of worship the first Friday night of each month. Please call our office to confirm attendance and availability.

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Copyright ©2002-2025, The Noble Woman Project. All rights reserved.
Fresh Start Resources, 129 Walton Ferry Road, Hendersonville, TN 37075 | TEL 615-822-6772 | FAX 615-822-6780 | EMAIL freshst@bellsouth.net